Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Time

We spend a lot of family time in Tennessee. Our trips there are all about family. My grandparents have always been the type that love to sit and chat or listen to music as a family. We carry on that tradition, even now, when my Granny is unable to join in the conversation. Kelsey spent a lot of time talking to Granny. Showing her pictures and telling her who each person was in the photograph.

Merry spent time twirling and dancing and making Granny laugh.

That's what family is all about. Spending quality time together, listening to each other, and loving each other.
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Cliff said...

All four of my grandparents were gone before I was born. But that's what happens when your Mom is 44 when you're born. Your kids are so fortunate to have grandparents and great grandparents. I read all the way down. You've been pretty busy. I'm glad the trip to TN was a good one.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

How wonderful that you are able to do that and to feel the way you do about the importance of "family"...It is not always the case, by any means. Very Very sweet pictures.