Friday, September 09, 2005

Yard Sales...Waste of Time or WorthWhile?

Okay...what do you all think?
Are yard sales a waste of time or are they worthwhile?

I have been having a yard sale this weekend at my mom's.
I started it yesterday and it ends tomorrow.
I made about 100 dollars yesterday, and maybe 110 today.
I may make another hundred tomorrow, but its VERY hard to tell. it worth 300 dollars in three days for me to just SIT for roughly 21 hours and man a yardsale? Is it worth it for me to have to have my mom watch the kids most of the time while I sit there? Is it worth it for me to have to price things high just so I can make a little moolah when people haggle me down?

I don't know.
I'm tired, sunburned (yes, I know, my own fault!), and sore from too little exercise.
I spent 20 minutes tonight haggling with some people for 18 dollars. That's less than a dollar a minute...was the headache worth it?


Some of the money I earn will go toward the offering our church is taking up on Sunday for the victims of Katrina. Some will go toward winter clothes for my girls. And if I'm lucky, I'll have some left over to put toward paint, lamps and curtains for the girls playroom.

So...I guess I look at having a yard sale this way...NO PAIN, NO GAIN.

What do YOU think?

p.s. By the way, Merry is well on her way back to health. She's as wild as ever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always think of it as money I didn't have yesterday.
Some people have to work a lot harder and longer than 3 days for that much money!

I am having one on the first Saturday in November. Our town has a day of yard sales when everyone practically in the whole town has one.
So one doesn't really need advertising although I get one free ad a month in the local free shopper (because I deliver it once a week)
I am doing the sale with a neighbor so it will be fun I think.

I'm really trying to get things cleared out so i can have some things to sell.